Peppermint - (Mentha Piperita)
There are numerous varieties and hybrids of mint but Mentha Piperitais the one used in therapy.
Peppermint was discovered in Britain in 1696.
The essential oil: Peppermint oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowers that are picked just
before maturity. The oil is colourless or of very pale yellow. The smell has an agreeable freshness, strong,
penetrating. The principal constituents are menthol (upto 70%), Cineol, Limonene, Menthone.
Properties: Tonic and cardiac stimulant, digestive, pancreas and nerves
Decongestant nasal, liver and prostate
Anesthetic and analgesic, relieves itching
Bactericide, Fungicide
Anti-inflammatory intestinal and urinary
Anticatarrhale, expectorant, mucolytic
Directions: Indigestion, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, flatulence
Motion sickness, vertigo
neuralgia, sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, tendonitis, migraines, headaches
Shingles, herpes, viral neuritis
Rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis
Shock Trauma
physical fatigue, mental and sexual
External Use:Highly diluted in vegetable oil and in combination with other essential oils for massage,
Diffusion mixed with other oils to freshen the atmosphere of a room
Diffusion (refreshing): Lavender, Palmarosa, Rosemary.
General stimulant: Cinnamon bark
Specalties: Never use peppermint oil undiluted in bath. Possible skin irritation. Dilute strongly in Carrier oil.
Strongly not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding, subjects with epilepsy, the elderly and children under 6 years.
No prolonged use without consulting an aromatherapist.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Some oils are prohibited to pregnant women and children. Keep away from flame.